Arkansas Development Finance Authority
ADFA is a public body politic and corporate, created in 1985 as successor to the Arkansas Housing Development Agency created in 1977. ADFA’s enabling legislation authorizes it to borrow money and issue bonds to provide sufficient funding for financing affordable housing, various business and economic development projects, and capital improvements for state agencies.
Mark Conine
Division Director
Arkansas Division of Aeronautics
The Division of Aeronautics promotes aviation safety, encourages the establishment and planned expansion of airports to enhance economic development, and administers the State Airport Aid Program. They also help coordinate aviation planning efforts between local, state, and federal governments.

Jerry Chism
Division Director
Arkansas Economic Development Commission
The mission of the Arkansas Economic Development Commission is to create economic opportunity by attracting higher paying jobs, expanding and diversifying our state and local economies, increasing incomes and investment, and generating positive growth throughout Arkansas.

Clint O’Neal
Executive Director
Arkansas Insurance Department
Created on March 7, 1917 by the Arkansas General Assembly with the passage of Act 190, the Arkansas Insurance Department focuses on it's mission of consumer protection and enforces state insurance law and regulations, conducts examinations, and prosecutes insurance fraud.

Alan McClain
Division Director
Arkansas Securities Department
The Arkansas Securities Department promotes an environment in which the securities and financial markets within the department's jurisdiction function efficiently and without unnecessary regulatory impediments.
Arkansas Securities Department
Arkansas State Bank Department
The State Bank Department is charged with regulating commercial banks with main offices in Arkansas. The Department operates to ensure the safety and soundness of, and public confidence in, these institutions and organizations.

Susannah Marshall
Division Director
Arkansas State Broadband Office
The Arkansas State Broadband Office manages the Arkansas Rural Connect Broadband Grant Program and works to get broadband out to as many unserved or underserved Arkansans in rural communities.

Glen Howie
Division Director
Arkansas Waterways Commission
The Arkansas Waterways Commission is the sole state agency responsible for developing, promoting and protecting waterborne transportation in Arkansas. The Commission also promotes economic development for ports on the five commercially navigable rivers of the state: The Arkansas, Mississippi, Ouachita, Red, and White Rivers.

Cassandra Caldwell
Division Director
Arkansas Workforce Connections
The focus of the Arkansas Division of Workforce Services is to provide individuals the tools they need to enhance and sustain their employability. And, through the education and skills training offered to jobseekers, employers are reducing hidden costs associated with lost production time and turnover rates by hiring qualified workers.

Dr. Charisse Childers
Division Director
Office of Skills Development
The Arkansas Office of Skills Development is responsible for aligning career and technical education programs with the skills needed by business and industry.

Cody Waits
Division Director