Arkansas State Broadband Office Releases New State Broadband Map; Launches Statewide Mapping Challenge Process

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On March 12, the Arkansas State Broadband Office released the state’s new state broadband map. The new state broadband map can be accessed on the office’s website at, or by clicking here. In conjunction with its release, the office will launch the state’s Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) mapping challenge process on Wednesday, March 20. For the first time in Arkansas’ history, the state’s new broadband map will be able to be challenged for inaccuracies in advance of the state awarding additional broadband infrastructure grants.

This months-long process will enable stakeholders in Arkansas to challenge the state’s broadband map and the levels of internet service reported at homes and businesses throughout the state. Stakeholders will be able to challenge data provided by the map but must submit evidence of the inaccuracies.

Under federal BEAD program regulations, eligible challengers in this process include units of local government, nonprofit organizations, and internet service providers.

To register as an eligible challenger, please click here.

In addition to eligible challengers, the Arkansas State Broadband Office has worked diligently to allow everyday Arkansans the ability to have their voices heard. To suggest a correction to the new state broadband map, everyday residents should access the Internet Performance Data Collection Tool, available here. The state’s mapping challenge portal system, which will go live on Wednesday, March 20, will allow for units of local government and nonprofit organizations to submit challenges on behalf of everyday Arkansans.

The new state broadband map and challenge portal system can be accessed on the Arkansas State Broadband Office’s website at A Challenge Process Resource Guide and additional resources are also available, including a new and improved speed test application.

The tentative timeline for Arkansas’ BEAD mapping challenge process is below (timeline may be adjusted due to volume of challenges):

  • March 12, 2024: New state broadband map released; user guide and resources posted online; challenge portal registration begins
  • March 20, 2024: Challenge portal opens; challenges accepted for 30 days
  • April 19, 2024: Challenge rebuttals accepted for 30 days
  • May 19, 2024: Challenge adjudication begins
  • June 17, 2024: Challenge process concludes

The new state broadband map, challenge portal system, and all other resources are available on the Arkansas State Broadband Office’s website at

For more information and to learn how to participate in this process, please contact the Arkansas State Broadband Office via email at [email protected]

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